Table of Contents

Class UserExtensions


An extension class for various Kook user objects.

public static class UserExtensions
Inherited Members


BanAsync(IGuildUser, int, string?, RequestOptions?)

Bans the user from the guild and optionally prunes their recent messages.

public static Task BanAsync(this IGuildUser user, int pruneDays = 0, string? reason = null, RequestOptions? options = null)


user IGuildUser

The user to ban.

pruneDays int

The number of days to remove messages from this user for - must be between [0, 7]

reason string

The reason of the ban to be written in the audit log.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.



A task that represents the asynchronous operation for banning a user.



pruneDays is not between 0 to 7.

SendCardAsync(IUser, ICard, IQuote?, RequestOptions?)

Sends a card message message via DM.

public static Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>> SendCardAsync(this IUser user, ICard card, IQuote? quote = null, RequestOptions? options = null)


user IUser

The user to send the DM to.

card ICard

The card to be sent.

quote IQuote

The message quote to be included. Used to reply to specific messages.

options RequestOptions

The request options for this async request.


Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>>

SendCardsAsync(IUser, IEnumerable<ICard>, IQuote?, RequestOptions?)

Sends a card message message via DM.

public static Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>> SendCardsAsync(this IUser user, IEnumerable<ICard> cards, IQuote? quote = null, RequestOptions? options = null)


user IUser

The user to send the DM to.

cards IEnumerable<ICard>

The cards to be sent.

quote IQuote

The message quote to be included. Used to reply to specific messages.

options RequestOptions

The request options for this async request.


Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>>

SendFileAsync(IUser, FileAttachment, IQuote?, RequestOptions?)

Sends a file via DM.

public static Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>> SendFileAsync(this IUser user, FileAttachment attachment, IQuote? quote = null, RequestOptions? options = null)


user IUser

The user to send the DM to.

attachment FileAttachment

The attachment containing the file.

quote IQuote

The message quote to be included. Used to reply to specific messages.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.


Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>>

SendFileAsync(IUser, Stream, string, AttachmentType, IQuote?, RequestOptions?)

Sends a file via DM.

public static Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>> SendFileAsync(this IUser user, Stream stream, string filename, AttachmentType type = AttachmentType.File, IQuote? quote = null, RequestOptions? options = null)


user IUser

The user to send the DM to.

stream Stream

The stream of the file.

filename string

The name of the file.

type AttachmentType

The type of the file.

quote IQuote

The message quote to be included. Used to reply to specific messages.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.


Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>>

SendFileAsync(IUser, string, string?, AttachmentType, IQuote?, RequestOptions?)

Sends a file via DM.

public static Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>> SendFileAsync(this IUser user, string path, string? filename = null, AttachmentType type = AttachmentType.File, IQuote? quote = null, RequestOptions? options = null)


user IUser

The user to send the DM to.

path string

The file path of the file.

filename string

The name of the file.

type AttachmentType

The type of the file.

quote IQuote

The message quote to be included. Used to reply to specific messages.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.


Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>>

SendTextAsync(IUser, string, IQuote?, RequestOptions?)

Sends a text message via DM.

public static Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>> SendTextAsync(this IUser user, string content, IQuote? quote = null, RequestOptions? options = null)


user IUser

The user to send the DM to.

content string

The KMarkdown content to be sent.

quote IQuote

The message quote to be included. Used to reply to specific messages.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.


Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>>