Table of Contents

Class MessageExtensions


Provides extension methods for IMessage.

public static class MessageExtensions
Inherited Members


AddReactionsAsync(IUserMessage, IEnumerable<IEmote>, RequestOptions?)

Add multiple reactions to a message.

public static Task AddReactionsAsync(this IUserMessage msg, IEnumerable<IEmote> reactions, RequestOptions? options = null)


msg IUserMessage

The message to add reactions to.

reactions IEnumerable<IEmote>

An array of reactions to add to the message.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.



A task that represents the asynchronous operation for adding a reaction to this message.


IEmote a = new Emoji("🅰");
IEmote b = new Emoji("🅱");
await msg.AddReactionsAsync([a, b]);


This method does not bulk add reactions! It will send a request for each reaction included.

See Also


Gets a URL that jumps to the message.

public static string GetJumpUrl(this IMessage msg)


msg IMessage

The message to jump to.



A string that contains a URL for jumping to the message in chat.


Gets whether the message may be a text image mixed message.

public static bool MaybeTextImageMixedMessage(this IUserMessage msg)


msg IUserMessage

The message to check against.



true if the message may be a text image mixed message; otherwise, false.

RemoveReactionsAsync(IUserMessage, IUser, IEnumerable<IEmote>, RequestOptions?)

Remove multiple reactions from a message.

public static Task RemoveReactionsAsync(this IUserMessage msg, IUser user, IEnumerable<IEmote> reactions, RequestOptions? options = null)


msg IUserMessage

The message to remove reactions from.

user IUser

The user who removed the reaction.

reactions IEnumerable<IEmote>

An array of reactions to remove from the message.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.



A task that represents the asynchronous operation for removing a reaction to this message.


await msg.RemoveReactionsAsync(currentUser, [A, B]);


This method does not bulk remove reactions! It will send a request for each reaction included.

See Also

ReplyCardAsync(IUserMessage, ICard, bool, bool, RequestOptions?)

Sends a card message to the source channel.

public static Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>> ReplyCardAsync(this IUserMessage message, ICard card, bool isQuote = false, bool isEphemeral = false, RequestOptions? options = null)


message IUserMessage

The message that is being replied on.

card ICard

The card to be sent.

isQuote bool

true if the source message will be quoted in this message; otherwise, false.

isEphemeral bool

true if the message to be sent can be seen only by the command invoker; otherwise, false.

options RequestOptions

The request options for this async request.


Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>>

ReplyCardsAsync(IUserMessage, IEnumerable<ICard>, bool, bool, RequestOptions?)

Sends a card message to the source channel.

public static Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>> ReplyCardsAsync(this IUserMessage message, IEnumerable<ICard> cards, bool isQuote = false, bool isEphemeral = false, RequestOptions? options = null)


message IUserMessage

The message that is being replied on.

cards IEnumerable<ICard>

The cards to be sent.

isQuote bool

true if the source message will be quoted in this message; otherwise, false.

isEphemeral bool

true if the message to be sent can be seen only by the command invoker; otherwise, false.

options RequestOptions

The request options for this async request.


Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>>

ReplyFileAsync(IUserMessage, FileAttachment, bool, bool, RequestOptions?)

Sends an inline reply of file that references a message.

public static Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>> ReplyFileAsync(this IUserMessage message, FileAttachment attachment, bool isQuote = false, bool isEphemeral = false, RequestOptions? options = null)


message IUserMessage

The message that is being replied on.

attachment FileAttachment

The attachment containing the file.

isQuote bool

true if the source message will be quoted in this message; otherwise, false.

isEphemeral bool

true if the message to be sent can be seen only by the command invoker; otherwise, false.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.


Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>>

ReplyFileAsync(IUserMessage, Stream, string, AttachmentType, bool, bool, RequestOptions?)

Sends an inline reply of file that references a message.

public static Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>> ReplyFileAsync(this IUserMessage message, Stream stream, string filename, AttachmentType type = AttachmentType.File, bool isQuote = false, bool isEphemeral = false, RequestOptions? options = null)


message IUserMessage

The message that is being replied on.

stream Stream

Stream of the file to be sent.

filename string

The name of the file.

type AttachmentType

The type of the file.

isQuote bool

true if the source message will be quoted in this message; otherwise, false.

isEphemeral bool

true if the message to be sent can be seen only by the command invoker; otherwise, false.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.


Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>>

ReplyFileAsync(IUserMessage, string, string?, AttachmentType, bool, bool, RequestOptions?)

Sends an inline reply of file that references a message.

public static Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>> ReplyFileAsync(this IUserMessage message, string path, string? filename = null, AttachmentType type = AttachmentType.File, bool isQuote = false, bool isEphemeral = false, RequestOptions? options = null)


message IUserMessage

The message that is being replied on.

path string

The file path of the file.

filename string

The name of the file.

type AttachmentType

The type of the file.

isQuote bool

true if the source message will be quoted in this message; otherwise, false.

isEphemeral bool

true if the message to be sent can be seen only by the command invoker; otherwise, false.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.


Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>>

ReplyTextAsync(IUserMessage, string, bool, bool, RequestOptions?)

Sends an inline reply of text that references a message.

public static Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>> ReplyTextAsync(this IUserMessage message, string content, bool isQuote = false, bool isEphemeral = false, RequestOptions? options = null)


message IUserMessage

The message that is being replied on.

content string

Contents of the message.

isQuote bool

true if the source message will be quoted in this message; otherwise, false.

isEphemeral bool

true if the message to be sent can be seen only by the command invoker; otherwise, false.

options RequestOptions

The request options for this async request.


Task<Cacheable<IUserMessage, Guid>>