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Enum KookErrorCode


Represents a set of json error codes received by Kook.

public enum KookErrorCode


GeneralError = 40000

The operation failed due to an unspecified error.

HasBeenFriend = 42007

The operation failed because the user has become a friend of the current user.

InvalidAuthenticationToken = 40101

The operation failed due to an invalid authentication token.

InvalidSequenceNumber = 40108

The KOOK gateway requested a reconnect due to an invalid sequence number.

MissingArgument = 40100

The operation failed due to an missing argument.

MissingPermissions = 40300

The operation failed due to missing permissions.

MissingResumeArgument = 40106

The KOOK gateway requested a reconnect due to missing resume arguments.

RequestEntityTooLarge = 40014

The operation failed because the request was too large.

RequestFriendTooFast = 42008

The operation failed because the current user has requested to be friends with the user too fast.

SessionExpired = 40107

The KOOK gateway requested a reconnect because the session has expired.

Success = 0

The operation was successful.

TokenExpired = 40103

The operation failed because the authentication token has expired.

TokenVerificationFailed = 40102

The operation failed because the authentication token verification failed.